Sadaeng Feng Shui

Sadaeng Feng Shui

Kleur:blue point
Stamboomnummer: NCT 2011-4009
Geboren: 2 januari 2011
Geslacht: Poes

Fokker: Cattery Feng-Shui

Eigenaar: Andrea Dekkers

Ouders Grootouders Overgrootouders Betovergrootouders

Susumu vom Wällerwind

Thai, blue point
FCCeV 08.06.188-201
Geb: 26-6-2008

CH. Wahid Star of Thai

Thai seal point
FCCeV 105.11.05
C.M. Wusel v/d Falkenhohe

Thai choc point
KFG 1576/99-9857m
Uncle Sam v/d Falkenhohe

Thai lilac point
AKEM 91/003-003m-99
Edle Farina v/d Falkenhohe

Thai choc point
SIK 930193-ST131193-F1
IC. Bashira Star of Thai

Thai seal point
Topcat's Xanto Brown Sugar
Thai choc point
VDK 55517-402-2/0
C.M. Sky Eyes Petit Fleur
Thai seal point
HKB 99-06-117/226
CH. Halina vom Wällerwind

Thai seal point
KFG-03-6-480/05 RIEX
CH. Giro vom Schloss Charlottenhof
Thai lilac point
DRV 035016
GIC. Adtream Fire Loki
Siamees choc point
CSSR 551325
GIC. Yungaya's Rashira

Thai, blue point
Minou vom Wällerwind

Thai seal point
FCCeV 102.08.02/
Gizmo N.I.
Siamees, seal point
Fee N.I.
Thai seal point

Lailani's Miss Taethi

Thai, lilac point
LOZ 1016541 RIEX Geb:19-01-2007

Vero Romeo Leyland des Vignes

Thai, chocolate point
LOS RIEX 04-2110
Geb: 18-05-2004



Catwood Domino Siamees

lilac point
LOZ-RIEX 1002763

GIC. Eros Al Jabal

Siamees red point
FFH 51572
Moonstone's Alice in Wonderland

Thai blue point
LOZ-RIEX 1009829
Mira Leyland des Vignes

Thai seal point
LOS-RIEX 02-1992
Pulsar de Viazie(Frankrijk)

Siamees choc point
LOOF A 5949
Fifille Leyland des Vignes

Thai seal point
LOS-RIEX 02-1986
Malfalathiel's Ronja

Thai, lilac point
KFG-03-5607/04-w RIEX
Geb: 10-12-2004
EGIC. Filou vom Saphirstern
Filou von Saphirstern
Thai lilac point
DE 61768
EC. Yungaya's Quintin

Thai, blue point
Bavarian e.V. CFA 97761
Sheila vom Saphirstern

Siamees, foreign white 
Tosja von den Summercats

Thai blue point
CM Robin von Penski

Thai choc point
Jamina von den Summercats

Thai blue point


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